Tag Archives: Government

IDS Resigns

19 Mar


I can’t help being pleased that IDS is resigning, his reforms to welfare have been brutal to the wrong people. Those who are disabled, vulnerable and who are unable to work.
These people are now thought of by many as scroungers who have chosen a lifestyle at others expense. The constant drip that spurious claims are costing all tax payers has seeped into the public consciousness deftly distracting attention from the real frauds and shirkers: those who avoid tax and others whose expense claiming sense of entitlement leech money from tax payers at every level.
I am glad he’s going, did I mention that already?
Not for one nanosecond do I believe that his conscience has been pricked by the budget led demand for more cuts to Independent Living Allowance. If this was the case he would have been vocally challenging HIS government for longer. I know how he disregards the vulnerable in his own constituency. I have counselled people who have been to see him to lay out their difficulties exacerbated by his reforms. Not one mentioned his empathy and compassion or subsequent help.
What worries me now is the stark truth that he was only one man doing his government’s bidding. There are many more within the government who can and will step in and take up the reigns with enthusiasm. Is this a case of better the devil you know? What IS going to happen next? I can only see more devastation. After all the Tories are the party of the people, those who are vulnerable clearly don’t meet that criteria
Namaste Jules

Related post Honour

Bleak Friday

28 Nov


Today is Black Friday, another puerile import from the wonderful *Land of the Free*.  If I understand things correctly, this is where, after showing their Thankfulness at escaping religious persecution, the Fathers laid the foundations to annexe a land that didn’t belong to them and systematically annihilate the indigenous inhabitants; seize land and resources; now they feed material acquisitionary greed by going to the shops, fighting with others to procure items at cut price as if they were hunting trophies.

I think that’s correct, well now its here in the UK and people are showing their awareness of Corporate Control by buying as many cheap goods as they can, forgetting that these cheap prices are built in already.  Fulfilling their desires to be bigger, better and newer than their neighbour.

It has made me profoundly sad to see the outpouring of so much greed in such an ugly form when there is so much else wrong.  The Government must be joyfully celebrating that the sheeple are yet again distracted from the serious issues of the day, we can look forward to hundreds of media stories whipping up the frenzy; conditioning people to accept this as part of our lives and preparing the way for more of the same next year.

Drip, drip, drip, the opiate of the masses trickles into more and more brains.

Welcome to civilisation!  
Meanwhile real poverty flourishes across the country, don’t worry the Government is in control (of Corporations)!



29 Oct

wolf strength

I have blogged on Unity before, much of what I want to say about connectedness is really just repeating myself, that’s never put me off before and won’t now! 😉

In today’s society we have, in the main, been encouraged to become apathetic and divorced from feeling the connections between us and other beings.  Most of us look at the differences between another and our self and use this as a barrier to relational connections.  We label people groups, in ways that increase our self-righteousness in doing so and minimise our responsibility to critically think about the process and consequences of this state of being.

That seems to me to be how governments get away with poor, unjust behaviour; unless it directly affects us or our immediate circles we brush it aside and ignore.  I would like to encourage people to see how important it is to stand up for as many different types of people group as possible.  Who knows when you may need someone to stand with you?

I am particularly conscious of the injustices being foisted upon the police, the firefighters, lawyers, probation officers, paramedics, nurses, doctors, teachers to name but a few!

In order to function as a healthy society we need to acknowledge the vital role these groups carry out to make our lives better.  If you are fortunate enough to have never needed any services from any of these groups you are in a very small minority! Think again…where would you be now if these people did not exist?  Just because their roles seem invisible to you does not mean that you would not be adversely impacted if they were not there far from it!

We may not agree with the institutions that they are serving, but they can be changed, possibly more by our encouragement and support in their struggles with government than any other way!

How about reevaluating what you casually think about them by trying to actively find out, for yourself, exactly what they are struggling against and draw alongside?  This doesn’t mean passively accepting everything, discerning evaluation is vital and shortcomings MUST be challenged!

You may find friends and relational connections that surprise and enrich you as you come to clearer understanding of what they do, for ALL of us.

Guest Post: Unity is Strength Via @John_maggsFBU

16 May

Time for FBU members to stick together

The FBU executive council met yesterday to discuss the latest developments in the current pensions dispute, at the end of which they decided no further strike dates will be announced at present but consultation would continue with members over the coming days. Word got around on Twitter yesterday evening followed by much criticism from our members, no doubt formed by frustration, at the perceived current lack of activity.

Obviously none of us want to strike as we are well aware of the moral issues the striking of an emergency service brings, but the majority of us feel that when all avenues have been explored, withdrawing our labour is the very last option.

All members must now remember we are part of a very successful democratic organisation where all national officers (including negotiators) and EC members are in their positions following a fair and democratic process. Also, nothing has changed about the remit of the people negotiating on members’ behalf: to achieve the best result from negotiations as possible for all members. This may mean a judgement has to be called as to whether the threat strike is the best option at a particular point in negotiations or not. That is for the EC to decide on member’s behalf taking into account all the information available to them.

There is absolutely no doubt that negotiations are continuing, with movement being seen on the Government’s side, due to one very big reason: When called upon to do so Firefighters have downed tools and walked out of their workplaces, albeit with reluctance, and have stood strong, proud and in unity. This has sent a very clear message to the Government that FBU members are up for a fight, will stand shoulder to shoulder and declare that current proposals are unacceptable. Together with strong campaigning, gaining public support and political pressure, FBU members have made this a highly effective battle.

Following the release of the latest circular, it is imperative that all FBU members stay united, trust the negotiators and the EC members who make democratic decisions, and not to argue amongst ourselves. There is still a battle to be had and plenty of action to be taken: lobby your MP, talk to the public, distribute leaflets, attend branch meetings and discuss the dispute with each other.

This dispute is currently in a very important stage. Being seen to be united is an important message to send to the Government. Venting your frustration to the EC in the open on social media will give the impression of a disjointed campaign and weakened union. Stand strong in unity and we will make a difference, turn on each other and we can wait for the floodgates to open and lose everything we have fought so hard for. Keep up the fight but know who you are fighting against.

Unity is strength

John Maggs

Brigade Organiser

Avon FBU


23 Mar


The IPCC has been in my mind a lot recently, it featured in a short exchange with my friend @occupypolice on Friday evening over on Twitter and has been in the news a lot recently also, for various reasons notably the Mark Duggan investigation , Plebgate, Dame Anne Owers comments in the Guardian  re Officer’s silence and the Police Federation’s response to the right to silence which subsequently ensued.  I make no comment on these issues, you can read and form your own.

All these things have added to my concern that ANY group of people, whether the Public or the Police should have the SAME rights as each other.  In my mind it is simply THIS:

No one is more or less equal than another person and these rights should be not skewed in any way, shape or form, that could be perceived as presuming either innocence or guilt.  

I feel that the balance may possibly be shifting away from this point.

Added to this  is the fact that the IPCC is formed by appointment of the Home Secretary, not an elected body, the political view of the Government of the day MAY be unequally represented by such a body.  I am not casting aspersions, merely being aware that such a possibility exists.  Who does the IPCC account to?  I believe it is the Home Secretary.  A grey process  to me.  I think the IPCC is unfortunate in that whomever feels more aggrieved by their outcome will probably feel that the IPCC is biased against them, whether this be the Public or the Police, True or False.  How then can this be addressed?  Should the Chair be an elected person as @MrCliveC suggested to me?

I don’t have a definitive solution to the problem, at the moment I am biased towards distrusting any organisation that seeks to give different levels of rights to different groups.  Do you have an opinion on the IPCC?  I would love to hear it!


Jules  😉

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